Zihuatanejo, Mainland Mexico

by Gary Graham
(760) 522-3710

The warmer 82'ş water is definitely moving back in earlier than expected, and the good fishing we usually get in May and June should soon follow.

Currently the clean water is just 4 miles off the beach with the boats averaging a sailfish or striped marlin a day each.

However, the inshore action is still holding strong, with the roosterfish making an early appearance. Normally we start targeting roosters from about mid-May, but Adolfo, on the panga Dos Hermanos, went south to the antennas and releasing 5 from 35 to 45 pounds for his French clients. The fish were taken on slow trolled live bait and surface poppers.

Cheva, on the Dos Hermanos II fished inshore with Troy Sturm of Minnesota for one day. Troy and his wife caught about 20 fish, including lots of sierras, a few chulas, and a couple of other species...Ed Kunze

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