Definte Go Tomorrow Night

by Andrew Viola (Prowler)
(619) 224-3383
Captain Andrew Viola checked in with an update from his new boat, "The Prowler!" We are online this Friday night 1.5 day departing at 9 pm. Guaranteed to go. Call Seaforth to make your reservation (619) 224-3383.
The Prowler has recently been sold to Markus Medak, Drew Card and Andrew Viola. In addition, the Prowler has moved from Fisherman's Landing to it's new home Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay (where parking is always FREE).
The Prowler has recently been sold to Markus Medak, Drew Card and Andrew Viola. In addition, the Prowler has moved from Fisherman's Landing to it's new home Seaforth Sportfishing in Mission Bay (where parking is always FREE).
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