Puget Sound Fish Report 07-20-07

Puget Sound

by Kaufman Streamborn
(800) 442-4359

A few Pinks have already snuck themselves down to South Whidbey, and were caught, in the last week, with thousands upon thousands amassing in the Strait, due to head down any day now.?? By month's end, this event will be in full-swing!

In between waves of pinks, sea-runs and the odd small silver should be around.?? And, of course, after the pinks come the Big silvers?Ķ?? Beach fishing anybody?! It's time?Ķ


Sea-Runs/Residents:?? Flashy Lady Green/White, Chart/Yellow #6; Deep Minnow Stinger Chart/White, Olive/White #6; Mini-Ceiver Olive, Chartreuse #4; Gummy Minnow Pearl #8; Seth's Sand Eel Dark, Light #6; Shallow Water Shrimp Pearl #8; Turd Chartreuse #8; Flying Ant #12; Stimulator Black #14

Humpies:?? Pink/White Clousers; Pink Bonefish patterns, Pink Turds, Pink ITR (Is This Real?) Shrimp?Ķ. Think Pink!

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