H&M Landing - San Diego, CA

H&M Landing
2803 Emerson Street
San Diego, CA 92106


Phone: (619) 222-1144
Website: https://www.hmlanding.com
Email: info@hmlanding.com


Dock Totals


Dock Totals
3 Boats / 4 Trips
142 Anglers
206 Sand Bass, 107 Yellowtail, 12 Bonito, 1 Rockfish
7 Boats / 8 Trips
237 Anglers
226 Sand Bass, 132 Yellowtail, 53 Bluefin Tuna, 20 Rockfish
6 Boats / 7 Trips
243 Anglers
132 Sand Bass, 104 Yellowtail, 61 Triggerfish, 27 Barracuda, 11 Sculpin, 10 Calico Bass, 4 Dorado
14 Boats / 15 Trips
434 Anglers
129 Yellowtail, 79 Bluefin Tuna, 40 Sand Bass, 21 Rockfish, 11 Calico Bass, 6 Sculpin, 5 Barracuda, 2 Bonito, 1 Dorado, 1 Whitefish
6 Boats / 7 Trips
150 Anglers
124 Yellowtail (up to 30 pounds), 119 Rockfish, 60 Sand Bass, 6 Bluefin Tuna (up to 140 pounds), 2 Bonito, 1 Sculpin, 1 Lingcod, 1 Dorado
3 Boats / 4 Trips
96 Anglers
124 Sand Bass, 86 Yellowtail, 4 Bonito, 1 Dorado
7 Boats / 7 Trips
148 Anglers
172 Yellowtail, 160 Sand Bass, 90 Bluefin Tuna, 19 Bonito, 18 Dorado, 2 Calico Bass, 1 Yellowfin Tuna
9 Boats / 10 Trips
210 Anglers
332 Bluefin Tuna, 240 Sand Bass, 178 Yellowtail, 43 Bonito, 38 Dorado, 8 Calico Bass, 5 Barracuda, 5 Rockfish, 2 Sculpin, 1 Albacore, 1 Yellowfin Tuna
8 Boats / 8 Trips
201 Anglers
280 Bluefin Tuna, 65 Yellowtail, 20 Sheephead, 19 Bonito, 17 Dorado
5 Boats / 6 Trips
195 Anglers
65 Calico Bass, 30 Yellowtail, 28 Rockfish, 6 Sand Bass, 5 Lingcod, 2 Sheephead, 2 Bonito, 1 Cabezon, 1 Halibut, 1 Sculpin, 80 Calico Bass Released
11 Boats / 11 Trips
265 Anglers
351 Bluefin Tuna, 179 Yellowtail, 57 Rockfish, 16 Dorado, 3 Bonito
8 Boats / 9 Trips
207 Anglers
347 Bluefin Tuna, 227 Yellowtail, 104 Rockfish, 90 Whitefish, 84 Calico Bass, 69 Sand Bass, 50 Sheephead, 40 Bonito, 15 Red Rockfish, 2 Sculpin, 2 Sanddab, 1 White Seabass, 1 Halibut, 1 Barracuda, 140 Calico Bass Released
3 Boats / 3 Trips
54 Anglers
101 Yellowtail, 71 Bluefin Tuna, 60 Sand Bass
6 Boats / 6 Trips
116 Anglers
217 Bluefin Tuna, 85 Yellowtail, 60 Sand Bass, 10 Bonito
7 Boats / 7 Trips
157 Anglers
468 Bluefin Tuna, 180 Yellowtail, 170 Sand Bass, 130 Rockfish, 33 Whitefish, 31 Calico Bass, 9 Sheephead, 7 Bonito, 5 Barracuda, 3 Sculpin
9 Boats / 9 Trips
176 Anglers
229 Bluefin Tuna, 208 Yellowtail, 159 Sand Bass, 76 Rockfish, 49 Bonito, 28 Calico Bass, 5 Red Rockfish, 2 Lingcod, 2 Barracuda, 1 Whitefish, 25 Calico Bass Released, 13 Barracuda Released
7 Boats / 8 Trips
220 Anglers
223 Yellowtail, 94 Bluefin Tuna, 54 Calico Bass, 28 Rockfish, 23 White Seabass, 14 Bonito, 13 Whitefish, 7 Sculpin, 5 Sand Bass, 2 Sheephead, 2 Lingcod, 170 Calico Bass Released
9 Boats / 10 Trips
274 Anglers
194 Yellowtail, 188 Bluefin Tuna, 74 Calico Bass, 25 Rockfish, 21 Whitefish, 13 White Seabass, 1 Sculpin, 1 Halibut, 1 Sheephead, 1 Dorado, 130 Calico Bass Released
8 Boats / 9 Trips
171 Anglers
207 Yellowtail, 120 Sand Bass, 114 Bluefin Tuna, 51 Calico Bass, 10 Sheephead, 3 Rockfish, 1 Whitefish, 1 Soupfin Shark
5 Boats / 5 Trips
110 Anglers
25 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Yellowtail
5 Boats / 5 Trips
111 Anglers
258 Bluefin Tuna, 223 Yellowtail, 50 Sand Bass, 22 Rockfish, 17 Whitefish, 14 Sculpin, 7 Calico Bass, 3 Red Rockfish
14 Boats / 14 Trips
271 Anglers
107 Rockfish, 49 Bluefin Tuna, 5 Yellowtail, 3 Yellowfin Tuna
6 Boats / 6 Trips
132 Anglers
57 Bluefin Tuna, 40 Calico Bass, 36 Whitefish, 25 Yellowtail, 14 Rockfish, 12 Triggerfish, 5 Sheephead
7 Boats / 8 Trips
238 Anglers
92 Yellowtail, 54 Sand Bass, 41 Whitefish, 30 Rockfish, 23 Calico Bass, 7 Sculpin, 3 Barracuda, 75 Sand Bass Released
13 Boats / 13 Trips
294 Anglers
100 Bluefin Tuna, 94 Yellowtail, 22 Barracuda, 12 Calico Bass
7 Boats / 7 Trips
111 Anglers
51 Yellowtail, 25 Calico Bass, 14 Sand Bass, 10 Bonito, 9 Barracuda, 8 Bluefin Tuna, 7 Rockfish, 2 Yellowfin Tuna, 1 Halibut, 1 Mako Shark Released
4 Boats / 4 Trips
96 Anglers
148 Bluefin Tuna, 23 Yellowtail, 4 Bonito
8 Boats / 9 Trips
161 Anglers
299 Bluefin Tuna (up to 80 pounds), 86 Sand Bass, 38 Yellowtail, 22 Bonito, 2 Thresher Shark, 70 Sand Bass Released
4 Boats / 4 Trips
88 Anglers
50 Sand Bass, 35 Calico Bass, 14 Bonito, 7 Yellowtail, 1 Sculpin, 1 Sheephead, 1 Barracuda, 1 Dorado
12 Boats / 13 Trips
297 Anglers
513 Bluefin Tuna, 114 Sand Bass, 41 Yellowtail, 29 Calico Bass, 28 Rockfish, 20 Bonito, 3 Sheephead, 78 Calico Bass Released, 63 Sand Bass Released, 15 Barracuda Released
7 Boats / 8 Trips
242 Anglers
236 Bonito, 85 Rockfish, 75 Whitefish, 72 Bocaccio, 44 Sand Bass, 26 Calico Bass, 13 Red Rockfish, 10 Sheephead, 6 Lingcod, 3 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowtail, 65 Calico Bass Released, 30 Bonito Released, 22 Sand Bass Released, 4 Barracuda Released

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