Long Beach Sportfishing - Long Beach, CA

Long Beach Sportfishing
555 Pico Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90802


Phone: (562) 432-8993
Website: https://www.longbeachsportfishing.org
Email: lbsfcontact@gmail.com


Dock Totals


Dock Totals
1 Boats / 1 Trips
19 Anglers
175 Rockfish
1 Boats / 1 Trips
31 Anglers
199 Rockfish
3 Boats / 3 Trips
84 Anglers
668 Rockfish, 191 Sculpin, 94 Whitefish, 54 Vermillion Rockfish, 40 Salmon Grouper, 10 Sheephead, 2 Calico Bass, 1 Opaleye
1 Boats / 1 Trips
24 Anglers
131 Whitefish, 71 Rockfish, 15 Sheephead, 10 Vermillion Rockfish, 10 Bonito, 7 Sculpin, 4 Calico Bass, 1 Barracuda, 6 Calico Bass Released
1 Boats / 1 Trips
11 Anglers
75 Rockfish, 21 Salmon Grouper, 20 Bonito, 20 Whitefish, 14 Vermillion Rockfish, 12 Calico Bass, 2 Sheephead, 2 Yellowtail
2 Boats / 2 Trips
33 Anglers
140 Rockfish, 65 Sculpin, 12 Vermillion Rockfish, 5 Whitefish, 4 Lingcod
2 Boats / 2 Trips
38 Anglers
155 Rockfish, 140 Sculpin, 50 Salmon Grouper, 31 Whitefish, 8 Sheephead, 8 Calico Bass, 5 Bonito, 4 Barracuda, 2 Yellowtail, 1 Sand Bass, 1 Halibut, 1 Lingcod
1 Boats / 1 Trips
27 Anglers
198 Whitefish, 184 Rockfish, 13 Sheephead, 3 Sculpin, 2 Lingcod, 1 Halibut
1 Boats / 1 Trips
28 Anglers
120 Salmon Grouper, 104 Rockfish, 56 Vermillion Rockfish, 12 Whitefish, 8 Sheephead, 1 Rock Sole
3 Boats / 3 Trips
63 Anglers
392 Rockfish, 157 Whitefish, 139 Vermillion Rockfish, 102 Sculpin, 62 Sheephead, 2 Calico Bass, 2 Lingcod
1 Boats / 1 Trips
32 Anglers
160 Sculpin, 64 Vermillion Rockfish, 42 Whitefish, 39 Salmon Grouper
2 Boats / 2 Trips
39 Anglers
239 Rockfish, 177 Whitefish, 100 Sculpin, 75 Vermillion Rockfish, 30 Sanddab, 20 Salmon Grouper, 10 Sheephead, 6 Lingcod, 3 Calico Bass, 1 Sand Bass
3 Boats / 3 Trips
63 Anglers
273 Rockfish, 151 Whitefish, 138 Vermillion Rockfish, 103 Sculpin, 77 Salmon Grouper, 27 Sheephead, 25 Calico Bass, 10 Sanddab, 4 Lingcod
2 Boats / 2 Trips
40 Anglers
245 Rockfish, 122 Sculpin, 99 Whitefish, 55 Vermillion Rockfish, 31 Salmon Grouper, 15 Sheephead, 3 Calico Bass
1 Boats / 1 Trips
23 Anglers
85 Whitefish, 83 Rockfish, 22 Vermillion Rockfish, 18 Sheephead, 13 Calico Bass, 6 Bonito, 6 Yellowtail, 3 Lingcod, 2 Barracuda, 1 White Seabass, 1 Halibut
1 Boats / 1 Trips
24 Anglers
130 Rockfish, 120 Sculpin, 26 Salmon Grouper, 4 Vermillion Rockfish, 2 Whitefish
2 Boats / 2 Trips
59 Anglers
356 Rockfish, 60 Whitefish, 23 Calico Bass, 20 Vermillion Rockfish, 16 Bonito, 13 Sanddab, 4 Sculpin, 4 Sheephead, 3 Lingcod, 1 Halibut
4 Boats / 4 Trips
121 Anglers
663 Rockfish, 259 Sculpin, 196 Whitefish, 62 Vermillion Rockfish, 50 Salmon Grouper, 20 Calico Bass, 16 Lingcod, 12 Sanddab, 9 Sheephead, 3 Bonito
1 Boats / 1 Trips
21 Anglers
43 Rockfish, 25 Vermillion Rockfish, 15 Sculpin, 12 Whitefish, 4 Sheephead
1 Boats / 1 Trips
20 Anglers
160 Rockfish, 100 Sculpin, 25 Whitefish

Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec


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