Long Beach Sportfishing - Long Beach, CA

Long Beach Sportfishing
555 Pico Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90802


Phone: (562) 432-8993
Website: https://www.longbeachsportfishing.org
Email: lbsfcontact@gmail.com


Dock Totals


Dock Totals
3 Boats / 3 Trips
80 Anglers
197 Rockfish, 190 Sculpin, 68 Vermillion Rockfish, 26 Sheephead, 20 Sanddab, 10 Blue Perch, 5 Calico Bass, 3 Lingcod, 3 Halibut, 3 Whitefish
3 Boats / 3 Trips
66 Anglers
286 Rockfish, 172 Sculpin, 100 Whitefish, 63 Salmon Grouper, 52 Vermillion Rockfish, 22 Sheephead, 14 Calico Bass, 1 Opaleye, 1 Bonito, 1 Halibut
2 Boats / 2 Trips
19 Anglers
140 Rockfish, 70 Sculpin, 25 Calico Bass
2 Boats / 2 Trips
39 Anglers
244 Rockfish, 145 Sculpin, 58 Calico Bass, 52 Whitefish, 29 Vermillion Rockfish, 15 Sheephead, 3 Bonito, 1 Lingcod
1 Boats / 1 Trips
16 Anglers
160 Rockfish
2 Boats / 2 Trips
44 Anglers
152 Sculpin, 141 Rockfish, 53 Whitefish, 40 Salmon Grouper, 25 Vermillion Rockfish, 9 Sheephead, 8 Calico Bass, 3 Halibut, 1 Lingcod
4 Boats / 4 Trips
92 Anglers
240 Sculpin, 136 Rockfish, 97 Whitefish, 56 Vermillion Rockfish, 11 Calico Bass, 10 Bonito, 9 Sheephead, 3 Lingcod, 2 Yellowtail, 2 Halibut, 1 Barracuda
3 Boats / 3 Trips
92 Anglers
718 Rockfish, 237 Sculpin, 88 Whitefish, 26 Sheephead, 21 Calico Bass, 10 Lingcod, 1 Cabezon, 1 Bonito, 1 Yellowtail
1 Boats / 1 Trips
18 Anglers
144 Rockfish, 90 Sculpin, 36 Vermillion Rockfish
2 Boats / 2 Trips
38 Anglers
150 Sculpin, 100 Rockfish, 31 Calico Bass, 5 Sheephead, 4 Whitefish, 2 Barracuda, 1 Sand Bass
2 Boats / 2 Trips
47 Anglers
167 Sculpin, 140 Rockfish, 40 Sanddab, 10 Whitefish, 3 Barracuda, 3 Calico Bass, 2 Sand Bass, 2 Sheephead, 1 Halibut
3 Boats / 3 Trips
49 Anglers
234 Rockfish, 96 Whitefish, 90 Sculpin, 82 Vermillion Rockfish, 41 Calico Bass, 31 Sheephead, 3 Blue Perch, 2 Lingcod, 1 Halibut, 1 Barracuda
4 Boats / 4 Trips
125 Anglers
330 Sculpin, 212 Rockfish, 103 Whitefish, 32 Calico Bass, 27 Yellowtail, 8 Bonito, 2 Sand Bass, 1 Halibut, 1 Sheephead
3 Boats / 3 Trips
83 Anglers
330 Rockfish, 200 Sculpin, 63 Salmon Grouper, 57 Calico Bass, 13 Whitefish, 11 Bonito, 8 Yellowtail, 2 Sand Bass, 2 Lingcod, 1 Barracuda
2 Boats / 2 Trips
43 Anglers
180 Sculpin, 124 Rockfish, 60 Sanddab, 27 Vermillion Rockfish, 20 Whitefish, 9 Bonito, 9 Yellowtail, 2 Calico Bass, 1 Sheephead
2 Boats / 2 Trips
30 Anglers
70 Sculpin, 52 Calico Bass, 40 Rockfish, 32 Vermillion Rockfish, 17 Whitefish, 3 Sheephead
2 Boats / 2 Trips
47 Anglers
156 Sculpin, 37 Calico Bass, 22 Rockfish, 11 Whitefish, 6 Bonito, 4 Sand Bass, 1 Sheephead, 1 Yellowtail
3 Boats / 3 Trips
109 Anglers
260 Sculpin, 189 Rockfish, 60 Calico Bass, 24 Whitefish, 12 Bonito, 11 Sheephead, 10 Blue Perch, 7 Barracuda, 5 Yellowtail
1 Boats / 1 Trips
34 Anglers
99 Rockfish, 28 Calico Bass, 7 Bonito, 5 Yellowtail, 2 Lingcod, 2 Whitefish, 1 Sheephead
1 Boats / 1 Trips
17 Anglers
60 Calico Bass, 12 Barracuda, 1 Bonito
1 Boats / 1 Trips
20 Anglers
100 Calico Bass, 23 Bonito, 16 Barracuda, 1 Sheephead
2 Boats / 2 Trips
53 Anglers
110 Calico Bass, 34 White Seabass, 31 Sheephead, 21 Whitefish, 13 Yellowtail, 1 Barracuda
2 Boats / 2 Trips
66 Anglers
162 Calico Bass, 28 Bonito, 21 Barracuda, 7 Sheephead, 4 Sand Bass, 1 White Seabass
1 Boats / 1 Trips
20 Anglers
57 Calico Bass, 22 Bonito, 16 Barracuda
3 Boats / 3 Trips
82 Anglers
232 Sculpin, 64 Whitefish, 56 Calico Bass, 22 Sheephead, 9 Barracuda, 5 Yellowtail, 5 Blue Perch, 5 Bonito, 4 Halibut, 2 Sand Bass, 1 White Seabass
3 Boats / 3 Trips
86 Anglers
293 Rockfish, 68 Calico Bass, 56 Whitefish, 32 Yellowtail, 13 Sheephead, 10 Barracuda, 5 Bonito, 2 Halibut, 1 White Seabass

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