Smith River

River Information

Fish Species: Chinook Salmon, Chum Salmon, Coho Salmon, Cutthroat Trout, White Sturgeon, Steelhead, Striped Bass, Sockeye Salmon, Pink Salmon, Channel Catfish, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Largemouth Bass, Mackinaw Trout, Kokanee Salmon, Coastal Cutthroat, Black Crappie, Common Carp, Smallmouth Bass, Blue Catfish, Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, Tule Perch, Inland Silverside, Prickly Sculpin, Green Sunfish, Threadfin Shad, White Crappie, Lightning Trout, Cutbow Trout, White Catfish, Brown Bullhead, Black Bullhead, Yellow Bullhead, Wiper, Tilapia, White Bass

Latest Photos

Haley Richards of Salem, Ore., holds a steelhead she caught and released March 13 while fishing the Smith River with guide Rye Phillips of Wild Rivers Fishing.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Fishing The North Coast
Tom Chapman, of Fortuna, left, and son Michael, from San Diego, enjoyed a rainy day on the Smith River last week and landed a nice winter steelhead.
Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of Tyler Gillespie
The Smith River kicked out this chrome-bright winter steelhead last week for Arcata resident Justin Kelly. All of the coastal rivers should see increased flows from the storms that are expected to hit the North Coast over the next few days. Photo courtesy of Alan Borges/Alan’s Guide Service.
Rohnert Park resident Tony Sargans landed this big Chinook salmon on a recent trip to the Smith River. With more rain the in the forecast, the quick-clearing Smith will likely be the only option this weekend for late-run fall king action.
Photo Credit: Mike Coopman’s Guide Service

Latest Fish Reports

Date Report Author
1-15-2025 Winter steelhead are now spread throughout the system
Winter steelhead are now spread throughout the system.... more »
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
1-25-2024 The Smith continues to teeter between driftable and plunkable flows, with the occasional blowout
The Smith continues to teeter between driftable and... more »
Kenny Priest
11-9-2023 The Smith is open and should remain that way through the weekend
Running at 1,935 cfs as of Thursday, the... more »
Kenny Priest
3-31-2022 The water is extremely clear and low
The Smith was flowing just above 1,000 cfs... more »
Kenny Priest
2-16-2022 Last week’s warm weather triggered snowmelt
Last week’s warm weather triggered snowmelt pushing flows... more »
Kenny Priest

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