Party Boat Scores -
September 22, 2023
Party Boat Scores -
September 22, 2023
Washington Coast Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
Bay Area Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
8 Anglers
Full Day Trip
80 Rockfish, 250 Sanddab
5 Anglers
Full Day Trip
4 Albacore (up to 20 pounds)
16 Anglers
Full Day Trip
16 Lingcod (up to 17 pounds), 160 Rockfish (up to 5 pounds)
25 Anglers
Full Day Trip
50 Lingcod, 250 Rockfish, 200 Sanddab
Central Coast Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
16 Anglers
Full Day Trip
35 Bocaccio, 3 Lingcod, 63 Rockfish, 62 Red Rockfish
23 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
28 Bocaccio, 1 Lingcod, 39 Rockfish, 90 Red Rockfish
16 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
16 Bocaccio, 58 Rockfish, 32 Vermilion Rockfish
9 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
1 Bocaccio, 1 Lingcod (up to 8 pounds), 14 Rockcod, 36 Red Rockcod
14 Anglers
Full Day Trip
14 Bocaccio, 1 Lingcod, 1 Petrale Sole, 70 Rockcod, 56 Red Rockcod
5 Anglers
Full Day Trip
50 Rockfish
Ventura Coast Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
9 Anglers
Full Day Trip
3 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Sculpin, 2 Sheephead, 67 Whitefish, 1 Rock Sole, 44 Rockfish
9 Anglers
Full Day Trip
2 Sculpin, 9 Sheephead, 11 Calico Bass, 65 Whitefish
22 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
1 Sculpin, 1 Sheephead, 1 Lingcod, 217 Whitefish, 220 Rockfish
5 Anglers
Full Day Trip
15 Calico Bass Released, 5 Whitefish Released
13 Anglers
Full Day Trip
90 Whitefish, 92 Rockfish
12 Anglers
Overnight Trip
4 Lingcod, 65 Whitefish, 115 Rockfish
16 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
2 Sheephead, 3 Lingcod, 160 Whitefish, 3 Rock Sole, 37 Rockfish
Los Angeles Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
10 Anglers
1.5 Day Trip
12 Bluefin Tuna, 3 Yellowfin Tuna
33 Anglers
Overnight Trip
7 Bluefin Tuna (up to 180 pounds)
47 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
12 Sand Bass, 235 Sculpin, 1 Sheephead, 5 Calico Bass, 55 Whitefish
20 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
2 Sand Bass, 100 Sculpin, 105 Rockfish
28 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
43 Sheephead, 200 Whitefish, 160 Rockfish
Orange Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
4 Anglers
Full Day Trip
1 Bluefin Tuna, 3 Dorado, 9 Yellowfin Tuna
30 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
1 Sculpin, 1 Sheephead, 3 Calico Bass, 5 Whitefish, 65 Calico Bass Released
20 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
4 Sand Bass, 9 Sheephead, 2 Blue Perch, 7 Calico Bass, 7 Whitefish, 70 Calico Bass Released
39 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
2 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Dorado, 8 Yellowfin Tuna
52 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
12 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Dorado, 4 Yellowfin Tuna
27 Anglers
Overnight Trip
14 Bluefin Tuna, 16 Yellowfin Tuna
18 Anglers
3/4 Day Trip
3 Bluefin Tuna, 3 Yellowfin Tuna
2 Anglers
Full Day Trip
3 Bluefin Tuna, 9 Yellowfin Tuna
32 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
1 Sand Bass, 2 Sculpin, 4 Sheephead, 2 Calico Bass, 3 Whitefish, 32 Calico Bass Released
10 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
3 Sculpin, 10 Calico Bass, 35 Calico Bass Released
23 Anglers
Full Day Trip
13 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Dorado, 6 Yellowfin Tuna
San Diego Fish Counts
Trip Type
Fish Count
16 Anglers
Full Day Trip
12 Bluefin Tuna, 6 Dorado, 20 Yellowfin Tuna
22 Anglers
Overnight Trip
10 Bluefin Tuna (up to 185 pounds)
23 Anglers
Full Day Trip
46 Bluefin Tuna, 25 Yellowfin Tuna
16 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
12 Sand Bass, 70 Sculpin, 4 Sheephead, 58 Calico Bass, 9 Bonito, 2 Sanddab
29 Anglers
2.5 Day Trip
89 Bluefin Tuna, 4 Dorado, 5 Yellowfin Tuna
4 Anglers
Full Day Trip
3 Bluefin Tuna (up to 235 pounds)
12 Anglers
3 Day Trip
72 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Dorado, 18 Yellowfin Tuna
40 Anglers
Full Day Trip
57 Bluefin Tuna, 12 Dorado, 59 Yellowfin Tuna
4 Anglers
Full Day Trip
6 Bluefin Tuna, 10 Yellowfin Tuna
28 Anglers
Full Day Trip
17 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Dorado, 13 Yellowfin Tuna
24 Anglers
Full Day Trip
3 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Dorado, 1 Yellowfin Tuna
25 Anglers
1.5 Day Trip
50 Bluefin Tuna (up to 60 pounds), 3 Dorado, 7 Yellowfin Tuna
28 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
1 Sand Bass, 5 Sheephead, 5 Calico Bass, 1 Whitefish
14 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
3 Sculpin, 3 Sheephead, 22 Calico Bass, 4 Whitefish
11 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
1 Sand Bass, 2 Sculpin, 22 Sheephead, 6 Calico Bass, 2 Whitefish
25 Anglers
4 Day Trip
150 Bluefin Tuna, 26 Yellowtail, 4 Yellowfin Tuna
15 Anglers
3 Day Trip
85 Bluefin Tuna (up to 120 pounds), 6 Yellowfin Tuna
18 Anglers
Full Day Trip
15 Bluefin Tuna, 19 Yellowfin Tuna
30 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
16 Sand Bass, 1 Halibut, 150 Sculpin, 27 Whitefish
19 Anglers
2.5 Day Trip
65 Bluefin Tuna, 11 Dorado, 1 Yellowfin Tuna
2 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
4 Halibut Released, 10 Spotted Sand Bass Released
32 Anglers
Full Day Trip
15 Bluefin Tuna, 3 Yellowfin Tuna
26 Anglers
Full Day Trip
14 Bluefin Tuna, 18 Yellowfin Tuna
7 Anglers
1/2 Day Trip
16 Sand Bass, 3 Sculpin, 2 Sheephead, 19 Calico Bass, 2 Whitefish, 1 Bonito, 10 Sand Bass Released, 35 Calico Bass Released
25 Anglers
1.5 Day Trip
48 Bluefin Tuna, 1 Dorado, 1 Yellowfin Tuna
21 Anglers
3 Day Trip
118 Bluefin Tuna, 2 Yellowfin Tuna
17 Anglers
Full Day Trip
20 Bluefin Tuna (up to 100 pounds), 1 Dorado, 10 Yellowfin Tuna
9 Anglers
2.5 Day Trip
36 Bluefin Tuna, 6 Dorado, 20 Yellowfin Tuna
14 Anglers
Full Day Trip
22 Bluefin Tuna, 4 Yellowfin Tuna